Our narcissism in the face of Nature’s fury has again brought us to our knees! As we watch those who have not realized that humility is a vital part of getting along fall prey to the pandemic, a great service is being offered.
Those who aren’t fans of our president are saying “Aha! You deserve it!” There is far more to learn here as we observe the consequences for wrong-mindedness. The next great challenge, global warming, is on the horizon. Universal Intelligence is “warming us up” for service to our Earth and all sentient beings.
The very Mother who has allowed our species to evolve is exacting a toll. If we are to survive we must be conscious, driven by a higher purpose. We must evolve to higher awareness as stewards of the fragile balance that holds Life to its heart.
On the world stage, we have a pandemic unifying all human beings. The virus is showing us oneness that cannot be denied. Political boundaries, artificial in the eyes of Mother Nature, do not stop its message of oneness. If we label it a Chinese virus, deny its virility, and pump up egos in arrogant displays of false invulnerability, it marches on unmoved.
In mindfulness, we are obligated to find the “gold within the shadow.” We must use every crumb along the path to lead us in compassion and truth. The pandemic is way beyond a crumb…It is a loaf! We dare not deny what we need to wake up. In a way, this is a compassionate Mother correcting her wayward children.
Let us use this information to define ourselves as grateful and awakened. Let us stop the petty bickering, join hands and work toward a higher good.
Poor humans, the price we pay by denying truth.