Every social order seems to go through a process as if it’s a living being. There is the birth, the life and ultimately the death.
New society is born of conflict with pre-existing ways that have caused separation and rebellion. Our country was born in the sense of marginalization and unfairness by England. “Give me liberty or give me death!!” Or “taxation without representation is tyranny.”
With a sense of justice and the courage to support change, the new birth of America rose out of a desire for justice and principle. Then there was abundance and success born of the willingness to sacrifice to create something different.
The next stage continued, still resonating with the energy of loyalty to principle. It abided and thrived…
We are in the “until” period in our country’s life span. The principles of our forebearers have gradually evaporated as we forget the courage and sacrifice that gave birth to the success of America. Now we are entitled, selfish and divided. There is no central purpose, no caretakers of the precious values that gave rise to the abundant and principled America.
The last stage of a culture is division, selfishness and short sightedness. It is characterized by personal gain, divisiveness and a lack of Oneness. The adherence to objective principles is giving way to power grabbing. The irony is that power comes from unity and the grabbing dissipates the Source that came through unity and righteousness. It was after all “The UNITED States of America.”
Our America is in this place. Our stewardship of hope and equality, of basic human rights, is disintegrating in the narcissistic power grab. We are killing the Golden Goose and there will be no more “golden eggs.” We have to awaken and NOW.
The transparency of this process is alarming, but predictable based on our wandering away from the message of the founding fathers. Our labeling of truth as “fake news” further exposes the subjective nature of our delusions.
Let’s listen to the voice of “objectivity” and stop the twisting and turning of truth into personal gain. There is no political party that is immune from the seduction. We must be the force of allegiance to objectivity.
Lord, let it be so.