Rosanne Bostonian

May 19, 2022

Virtual, Schmirtual

human hand holding chimp hand

Life of one form or another has been present on Earth for 7+ million years. Hard to wrap our heads around that much time!  Hominins, monkey-like creatures, have existed for in the neighborhood of 220,000 years. We’ve all seen the pictures of stages of as a variety of ancestors figured out that freeing their hands was a good idea. Check out the Museum of Natural History if needed.

Of course, the price to be paid for freeing one’s hands is to have to figure out a survival strategy that doesn’t compete with animals of four legs. That’s where the brain development comes in. That is also what depending on each other steps to the forefront.  Since you didn’t sign up for this course, I’ll share the purpose of this blog:

Change is happening SO quickly as compared to millennia of evolution. We are all scuffling to keep up with the demands of industrialization, then technology. Our gender roles have changed dramatically causing members of both groups to work on the conflict between conventional stereotypes and change. Humans don’t do particularly well with change. We mistake the familiar with what is safe, which isn’t always true.

Besides gender roles, we have what I call a “desocialization” of schools and workplaces, causing isolation. We humans do better in kindred groups. It’s how we have survived and how we feel safe. Yes, covid was the initial culprit in isolating us, but the “convenience” of not moving our buttocks off our tuffets to get to the workplace has the major deficit of isolation and the lack of mingling energy.

I am not one who feels people’s faces in little squares is the same, or even close to, being vibrationally present in a group. Someone’s body language and energy have impact on communication. I don’t think we can evolve as a species fast enough not to feel the deficit of isolation for financial convenience.

We have plummeted into uncharted territory and there is no putting the genie back in the bottle. Just a word, though; virtual isn’t actual. Presence is an organic trigger that makes us human.

With love,


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