Ravaged by covid, misled by politicians tripping over their egos, our Great Experiment is being tested as never before. As we each try to manage the lives we can directly influence, the din of uncertainty reverberates in the background.
The talking heads on TV and radio are hard to tolerate. The venom, the giddiness over the misfortunes of the opposition is petty beyond petty. At the base of it all is fear; virulent, toxic fear.
At the top of the fear list is death; death from covid. We search for an enemy to blame for the natural culling of the herd that Nature dictates. We fear our smallness against the power of Nature.
Dominant racial groups see the shifting of white to brown and black as a loss of control. Control over what? On planet Earth, a speck in the mind-blowing vastness of the Universe, the notion of control is laughable. Yet we invent countries, boundaries that are invisible from a higher view, and fight for dominance. We kill each other over the lust for power. We bloviate and pontificate about our points of view. Our insignificance is more than we can bear, so we organize cabals and reject those who are not in our group, our party, our neighborhood.
Poor humanity, so needing validation and a sense of importance; so lacking in humility and reverence for our shared existence.
And our poor, poor America.
With love, Rosanne