When I heard on the news that there was going to be and influx of grasshoppers, I didn’t think much of it. Apparently, they didn’t come north into New Jersey, so that prediction dropped below the radar.
Not so lucky with Covid-19. That plague didn’t drop below anyone’s radar and we are all still inhaling our own breath with masks firmly in place. I caught the first wave and felt like roadkill, but didn’t have to be hospitalized, praise Jesus! I still don’t have my sense of taste back but the silver lining is I’m probably making better food choices because of that. (Always a silver lining!)
The last of the trifecta has been Hurricane Ida that made a river on my street as the nearby stream overflowed. The rain was so intense that I couldn’t hear my sump pump, but my prayers were answered. Ol’ Reliable came through. My office in Florham Park didn’t fare as well. The landlord showed up with shop vacs and dehumidifiers, so I guess there will be no long-lasting damage. At least I hope not.
I remember Bible stories of Pestilence, Plague and Flood. People looked toward the Heavens for relief and figured they needed to pay penance for their sins so restitution could be made. I can understand their need to exert some control over what isn’t humanly controllable.
When we look at events in history, or even now in various parts of the world, being human makes us subject to many forces that are difficult to endure and harder to explain. The recent debates over to vax or not to vax are testimony to the human wish to be in control and know the truth. Not only do we want to know the truth, we want to impose our perception of the truth on others.
Maybe it’s best to humbly endure and respect Nature with compassion for ourselves and other.
With love, Rosanne