As Life evolves, it is easy to think that human have evolved to our ultimate state. Not only is evolution continuing, it is happening at an accelerated pace. In fact, it feels dizzying at times. As humans “being,” (not a typo), the requirement for keeping balance is understanding that our humanity continues to evolve.
Deepak Chopra, his book “Becoming Metahuman,” states (and this is literally mind blowing), our minds are instruments, they are not who we truly are. Who we truly are is an observer which directs the activities of the mind, the body and emotion.
Dr. Chopra’s point is that we are evolving beyond misidentifying ourselves in our physical form and ego mind activity. There is a universal part of us that has always been and will always be, namely “consciousness.” That authentic self, a metahuman, observes and directs the activities of mind from a universal platform.
Ok, if that sounds like gobbledygook; Simplified, when you are observing yourself objectively and from a non-reactive place, you are coming from consciousness. That consciousness is a creative activity that is way beyond physical form and individual identity. Unless our minds are trained to be quiet nothing but conditioned thought will dominate us. Observing our world situation, how is that working for us?
Once we eliminate our thoughts as defining who we are, we can evolve beyond human limitation. The current mindfulness movements are all lining up in this perspective. There are mind/body practices that foster metahuman activity. These could be meditation, yoga and various energy practices. These practices are designed to eliminate the domination of conditioned thinking and train our minds to be quiet. The quiet mind is receptive to a connection with universal and unlimited consciousness.
We are all learning.
With love, Rosanne