Although the current political climate is disturbing and disruptive, it is still useful. Exposed is the long-hidden underbelly of ego and manipulation that used to be called “back room politics.” Now, the back room has transparent windows and we can see into the proverbial smoke-filled rooms where wheeling and dealing takes place.
A “deal”
in its classical sense is a win-win proposition. Cutting a deal means actively listening and respecting the various interests and points of view of the participants. A deal isn’t made by leveraging power and vanquishing anyone who disagrees with a single premise. Deals are made respectfully and with good will.
When we define resources as limited, grabbing and winning seem to be tactics that make sense. Although in the physical world, it appears that material resources are finite, evolving to a higher place is the solution.
Everything that appears physically at one point wasn’t visible. It was an idea, a concept that came into being through imagination and a lack of limited perspective. This notion can be viewed as “spiritual consciousness.” When we are in a place of infinite abundance, there is no need to victimize others to have our needs met.
In our current political landscape, there are those who feel that various groups need to lose so that others can win. When the potential of some are limited, we all suffer. The abundance that is waiting to be expressed through some can be enjoyed by all.
I propose that we have a win-win possibility now, but the principles that guide our choices must to come from a higher perspective. The violation of some becomes the limitation of all. When each of us examines our motivation we serve all.
Even the most repugnant and unpleasant situations are useful. It is not what happens but how we interpret and use what happens. May the American Experiment thrive and grow.
With love, Rosanne Bostonian