The marketing approach of many businesses involves touting bargains. The notion of 25% to 50% off is designed to woo us into buying mode. We are supposed to take our stimulus money and buy, buy, buy!
The problem is that the stuff they want us to buy, like new windows, landscaping, patio sets and new cars, aren’t exactly priorities in a financial crisis. What occurs to me is that I can save 100% if I don’t buy any of it.
I’m hoping this doesn’t make me a bad citizen, but the current state of affairs has me a little queasy. Interest rates are plummeting and there are dire predictions down the road. I don’t think I can live in a new patio set or a new car. I don’t think I care to eat a new window or a Hyacinth bush!
Aside from the financial predictions that have us all concerned, the current pollical dialogue is beyond disturbing. Our president is implying that he wants a third term, let alone a second. Whoever taught him American History…didn’t. That crisis is looming during the campaigning and post-election.
This is time in our history is a test. The uprisings are deep symptoms exposing themselves to be healed. We can suppress them (again), or we can face them and still our egos once and for all.
I project myself years down the line, after we’re all gone, when future people (assuming there’s still a United States), look back on this time in disbelief. I see a classroom, online of course, where the students ask the robotic teacher, “Why did that happen?” The robot spouts words like unawareness, narcissism, lack of understanding and fear. The students scratch their collective heads as they scroll through the adds and ask, “But they had bargains!”
May we all find our way…
With love, Rosanne Bostonian