High winds call for flexibility. The recent storm, Isiais, blew the heck out of trees. The most rigid trees lost branches or met their demise. As a result, “power was down.”
This is a sign that holding a set position is not always the best strategy to weather hard times. Our current national posturing of two rigid opposites fighting to win does not show flexibility. In fact, the egos are staunchly ready for battle and we are smack dab in the middle of the warring opposites. As the destructive political storm blows harder, we must make sure our collective power is stronger than ever.
The best strategy now is to hold our center. From our collective heart space, we can see the opposites struggling to “win.” In the struggle, as in most wars, there are casualties. These are usually innocent people who are in the wrong place at the wrong time. The principles of our nation ride on our collective sensibilities, not on the most strident voices.
Holding a reasonable center calls for a higher cause, one where we all join in compassion and respect. We can call this the “win-win” space. The notion that someone must lose for someone else to win is flawed logic and seems to be the product of lack. In other words, “there isn’t enough for everyone, so if I want or need something I have to take it from someone else.” Win-lose, and ensuing war.
This limited few is born at the material level. The higher view is that there is abundance, more than enough for everyone. If we access infinite potentiality, the place where all is created, we are not in a struggle to take and win, but we become vehicles through which gifts appear. Each of us becomes a channel through which our unique gifts are expressed from infinite potentiality.
Let us hold on to each other and as we do so, hold the space of mutual respect and compassion.
With love, Rosanne Bostonian