Masked life requires more eye expression. Are you finding that people are averting their gazes when you try to make eye contact?
I am trying to practice eye smiling in the mirror. I don’t have a drop of Irish blood in me, as far as I know, but I get an “A” for effort! So far it only looks like I am squinting and it isn’t a good look.
Not smiling with the mouth adds to social distancing. The uncertainty of a person’s presence, no mouth smile, squinting instead of smiling and a mask make for a sad set of non-verbal cues.
I have noticed in the past the depositing of toothpicks and Q-tips in parking lots. Add to the list formerly sterile gloves and masks and we have a new landscape.
As trying as this is for all of us, looking at the alternatives in Florida, Texas and Arizona are predictably unfortunate. There are no smiling eyes there.
Patience, my dear readers. Patience and prudence. We will endure.
With love, Rosanne Bostonian