We are in a time when all of us will make it, or none of us will make it. The days of one tribe against another for survival are ending in noisy, traumatic drama.
There was a time when tribal warfare was the prevailing fact of the day. If my tribe invaded the hunting ground, your tribe would fight for exclusive rights and if you won a bloody battle, you would survive. That level of functioning is ill-placed in 2020.
The impact of human effect worldwide requires a unified strategy. The effect of one group “losing,” floods a toxic influence on everyone else. If we cling to old ways, none of us will flourish.
Examples flood the news. The demolishing of the rainforests, although they may benefit the economy of one nation, destroys the oxygen pump and will suffocate all nations.
The pandemic that kills people “over there” will soon kill people “over here.” There is NO here and there, us and them. There is one world, one humanity and there needs to be a unified consciousness that lifts us all up. Technology has unified us and there is no turning back.
As in most change, we resist. We want a permanent reality. There is no permanent reality…never has been and never will be. (I am listening to my digitally avoidant self and smiling!) There is change that is subtle and change that is dramatic. Subtle change ignored becomes violent change.
The recent exposure of racial bias is a startling example of subtlety ignored. Then there is a flashpoint that gives rise to explosive expression of energy suppressed. To get around in front over impending change and guide it mindfully is a constructive choice. To avoid and deny the need for changing attitudes is a destructive choice.
May our mindfulness prevail so we can join hands in peace.
With love, Rosanne Bostonian