I do not know who to trust regarding politics, pandemics and general pandemonium. I am so tired of trying to figure it all out that I am diving for the remote when I see President Trump, Dr. Fauci and any of a host of opinionated pontificators.
The truth may be “No One Knows.” It would be a relief for someone do say, “Damned if I know what the hell to do.” That would not be a 100% consolation, but I would trust the courageous soul who values the truth over his/her huge, self-righteous ego.
It would also be a relief not to see the diagram of the Covid19 virus on every channel as if it is a cartoon character that we are embracing with familiarity and affection. Viruses borrow our cells to live and replicate. Please ask if you would like to borrow my body, thank you!
The rhetoric has amplified into a confrontational din. The participants are polarizing each other while the matter of species survival teeters in the balance. I cannot wait to take this act into the predicament of global warming.
If each of us views this scene as the macro version of our own pettiness, our own inability to actively listen and find compromise, that mirror will teach us something?
Lord have mercy.