There is a neurological term known as agnosia. It refers to the inability to recognize or know. In the “Day of the Mask,” the omission of nose and mouth makes for a bit of a challenge in (a) recognizing someone you know strictly by their eyes, (b) putting non-verbal cues to the inaudible, muffled voice behind the mask and (c) trying to tactfully avoid the dead skunk on top of a friend’s head, the result of hair salons being closed!
Some may say quarantine is an advantage since, along with our comfy clothes, we are not taxing the tootsies with fashionable, confining shoes. Like my worries about gearing up once the quarantine is lifted, I am thinking about my poor feet once again jammed into the narrow confines of my shoe wardrobe. I think it is a metaphor for the shock and awe we will all experience waking to the alarm clock and once again living lives in the world of time.
I have never been much for fashion and I am noticing that my masks are falling behind the creative trends. I have seen animal masks, creepy skeleton masks, floral designs and colors galore. I am strictly by the book with my white paper variety.
I am wondering if unmasking will make us feel self-conscious and exposed? I look forward to finding out!
With love, Rosanne Bostonian