Rosanne Bostonian

April 28, 2020


cats with masks - intermission in our lives

Now, donning my mask with the stretched ear holders and planting it under my glasses for stability, I notice that my exhalations filter north and cloud my vision.

I also notice that people cheat and leave their noses out of the mask. These are the same people who cheat on their spouses and probably on their income tax. (My anecdotal conclusion with no evidence.)

I am finding every day remarkably like the day before, as if my childhood wish that every day could be Sunday has come true. Let me rethink that wish because Sundays are cool because the rest of the days are different. Now every day is Sunday and my glasses are cloudy in perpetuity.

I am thinking seriously of drawing a smile on my mask. I see that some are wearing scary masks. It is disturbing to hear someone laughing behind an evil skeleton face. Non-verbal cues are at a premium these days as the eyes alone only tell so much. The mouth is a huge expression tool, not only because it says words, but because of the elasticity and myriad of expressions that are now behind-the-mask guesswork.


Is it me, or are the updates on COVID19 on your last nerve? I have noticed that our President has figured out that if he says everything, he can always be right. If he wants to open the economy by Easter, he is right and if he states that it is too soon, he is also right. He can simultaneously support protesters who demonstrate against shutting down businesses and support Dr. Fauci, who recommends testing prior to opening the economy. Our President has remarkable versatility.

If we think of this as “intermission,” it explains why eating has become a default. We have seen the first act, and now we are chowing down waiting for the second act. A cocktail, snack, trip to the loo, and we will all be ready for what comes next.

May God Bless Our America.

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