I know everyone has different opinions about Mr. Trump, the array of Democratic candidates and the relentless process of electing a President and Congress in 2020. The irony of “20/20” isn’t lost on me, since our partisan politics demonstrates the narrowest of vision. “Me, me, my, me and (if you’ve forgotten) ME!
The facts of stagnant upward mobility for lower classes, the globalization of manufacturing jobs (cutting out traditional blue-collar jobs for our workers), climate change and subsequent desperation causing massive migrations, loom as huge issues that will reach a boiling point but not before legendary suffering.
The current Coronavirus scare highlights a need to pull together but, so far we are still fractured. We talk about special interests and electability rather than oneness.
Society in disarray
It’s a helpless feeling watching our society in disarray. Is it just me, or is the parade of people on the show “Paternity Court” disconcerting? One woman slept with her husband and her boyfriend at the same time, had twins and figured each twin had a separate father.
Then there is the baseball cheating scandal with the Houston Astros using technology to tell their batters what pitch was coming, thus increasing the ability to hit the pitch successfully. This has caused a big hoohah that will melt into oblivion as the news feed buries us in more information… always MORE information.
As long as we win, it matters not how we win. Just that we win. Character, values, morals. Shame, guilt where are you? Whoever is chewed up in the process will be road kill in the rearview mirror as we blunder forward at breakneck speed.
I know I sound like the “Boomer” that I am. I won’t apologize for it. Now that the proverbial behavioral cat is out of the bag and anything goes, the question is, “Do we ever get the cat back in the bag?” Do we ever come to our senses?
Lord have mercy!